Your Cargill Consultant's Nutrition Sidekick
Dairy MAX takes the doubt out of complex challenges
Whenever you’ve got to make a tough nutrition decision, we can just ask MAX. We’ve updated our powerful nutrition software solution to give your Cargill Consultant the clarity needed to help make complex decisions. More detailed data. Better insights. Real-time feedback. Everything your consultant needs to add more precision and profitability to your nutrition – and make tough decisions easier.

Unprecedented Forage Challenge?
Let's ask MAX.
Are you prepared for this year's crop?
Whether you faced drought conditions or unusually heavy rain falls, this year's growing season has been unlike any other. If you have concerns about your forage inventory or buying feed through next year's harvest - ask MAX. MAX gives your Cargill Consultant, the insight needed to strategize for profitability and consistency.
Is your milk maximizing profit?
See how Cargill Consultants use dairy MAX™ on-farm to assist customers.
Pricing feed ingredients on value
Is it okay to just feed cows, or does it matter what nutrients are fed? Think of it this way—We work to reduce variation during feeding, for both consistent ingredient and nutrient delivery. Why would we not buy ingredients to also manage nutrient content and consistency?
It's all about the nutrients
Cash flow and herd health are frequently two competing factors on any dairy farm. Maple View Farms has found success through managing feed down to the nutrient level with the help of dairy MAX™.
I want to know how efficiently my capital is working
Dairy farming can be a great lifestyle and business when the two go hand-in-hand like they now do at Brigeen Farms in Turner, Maine. Cargill and dairy MAX™ helped the cows and capital work harder.

Get More with MAX
Feed for maximum profitability: MAX translates operational factors into actionable insights that help you and your consultant focus on meeting your goals.
React with real-time feedback: MAX features a dynamic closed-loop feedback system that reveals insight into your current production and identifies the right high-quality nutrients from Cargill's global nutrition network.
Create predictable performance: MAX includes a powerful prediction engine that allows you and your Cargill Consultant to run “what if” scenarios and plan for purchasing decisions or future goals
Interested in seeing MAX in action? Get in touch with a Cargill Consultant today.